Geoff Ford Political Science x Digital Methods

Kia ora, an introduction to me and my research

CorPress: a Python library to build corpora from WordPress sites

Generate a corpus with an LLM

Profiling Aotearoa New Zealand / Pacific data in GDELT

Easy-to-cite Github Pages sites for academic research

open_in_new Publication | Jeremy Moses & Geoffrey Ford (2023) Encoding the Enemy: The Politics Within and Around Ethical Algorithmic War, Global Society

Public talk at Tūranga: AI and the Election

open_in_new Publication | Miller et. al. (2023) Views Through Student Lenses: How Workshops with Student Research Assistants Can Enhance a Lab’s Research Programme

open_in_new Publication | Ford, G. (2022). Green parties and greening party politics. In Bargh & MacArthur, Environmental politics and policy in Aotearoa New Zealand

[In Development] Browser-based concordancing and text analysis tool: ConText

open_in_new Publication | Jeremy Moses & Geoffrey Ford (2021) See Spot save lives: fear, humanitarianism, and war in the development of robot quadrupeds, Digital War

Web interactive : Visualising themes in debates about autonomous weapons

Robot Dreams: an interface to explore popular culture references to robots

open_in_new Publication | Jeremy Moses, Geoffrey Ford & Sian Troath (2021) New Zealand could take a global lead in controlling the development of ‘killer robots’ — so why isn’t it? in The Conversation

open_in_new Publication | Ford, G. (2021). Political parties. In Hayward, Greaves & Timperley, New Zealand government and politics (7th ed, OUP)

open_in_new Publication | Jeremy Moses & Geoffrey Ford (2021) Is ‘Spot’ a good dog? Why we’re right to worry about unleashing robot quadrupeds, The Conversation

Text analysis: Twitter sentiment about robot quadrupeds

Command line tool: sn0rt (Social News 0 Research Tool)

open_in_new Publication | Geoffrey Ford, Bronwyn Hayward & Kevin Watson (2020) Analysis shows how the Greens have changed the language of economic debate in New Zealand, The Conversation

Jupyter Notebooks: Run topic models in your web browser

[In development] WART (Wayback As Research Tool)

[Legacy project] Get Papers Past

Text analysis: Research briefing on EQC in The Press

Rethinking lay people's theories of the economy

Corpus-assisted discourse analysis with audio corpora: concordancing audio

Text analysis: 'Economy'-rhetoric in New Zealand's parliament

Corpus construction: The New Zealand Parliamentary Language Corpus

Experiment: Building corpora from television captions

open_in_new Publication | Ford, G. (2015). The Green Party. In J. Hayward (Ed.), New Zealand government and politics (6th ed, OUP)

Web-application development for research